Rural Qualifications

Types of Services Permitted for the Rural Program

The types of services permitted shall be limited to "GAS", "FOOD", "LODGING", "CAMPING", "ATTRACTION" and "ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CHARGING". The following criteria must be met to qualify to display a logo sign on a specific service information sign:

Gasoline, diesel fuel, oil, and water for public purchase and use.

Sanitary restroom facilities and drinking water.

A telephone available for public use.

Primary Definition

Located within three miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

In continuous operation to provide services at least 16 hours per day, seven days per week.

Secondary Definition

Located within 3 to 15 miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

In continuous operation to provide services at least eight hours per day, five consecutive days per week.

Sanitary restroom facilities for customers.

A telephone available for public use.

If a food service business is part of a food court located within a shopping mall, the shopping mall may qualify as the responsible operator if the food court complies with (1) and (2) above and has clearly identifiable on-premise signing consistent with the logo sign that is sufficient to guide motorist directly to the entrance to the food court. Have a license where required.

Primary Definition

Located within three miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

In continuous operation to serve at least two meals per day at least six days per week.

Secondary Definition

Located within 3 to 15 miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

In continuous operation to serve at least two meals per day at least six days per week.

Five or more units of sleeping accommodations.

A telephone available for public use.

A license where required

Sanitary restroom facilities for customers

Primary Definition

Located within three miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

Secondary Definition

Located within 3 to 15 miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

Be able to accommodate all common types of travel trailers and recreational vehicles.

Have a license where required.

Sanitary restroom facilities and drinking water.

Be available on a year round basis unless camping in the community is of a seasonal nature in which case the facilities in question shall be open to the public 24 hours per day, 7 days per week during the entire season.

Primary Definition

Located within five miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

Secondary Definition

Located within 5 to 15 miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

Derive less than 50% of its sales from the sale of alcohol consumed on the premises, or gambling.

Derive more than 50% of its sales or visitors during the normal business season from motorists not residing within a 25 mile radius of the business.

Provide at least 10 parking spaces.

Be significant as a historic, cultural, scientific, educational, or recreational site, natural science phenomenon, or unique commercial activity.

Be in continuous operation at least six hours per day, six days per week, except:

An arena attraction shall hold events at least 28 days annually.

Cultural attraction shall be open at least 180 days annually.

An education attraction shall operate at least six hours per day, five days per week.

Meet the definition of attraction in the Rule: Rural Attraction Guidelines

Primary Definition

Located within three miles of an exit ramp terminal.

Secondary Definition

Located within 3 to 15 miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal.

To be eligible to place a logo on a logo sign panel, an EV Charging service business shall:

  1. Provide EV chargers that meet the criteria for Direct Current Fast Chargers provided in 23 CFR 680.106.
  2. Meet the additional requirements for a primary or secondary EV Charging service business.
Primary Definition

An EV Charging service business that is within three miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal and is in continuous operation to provide services at least 16 hours per day, 7 days a week.

Secondary Definition

An EV Charging service business that is within three to 15 miles of an intersection or exit ramp terminal, and is in continuous operation to provide services at least 16 hours per day, 7 days a week.